SV2BBO - Yanis Syllignakis: Weather Data downtown of Thessaloniki, GREECE

Weather Display Live: Allows you to view live the weather data! (Using Macromedia Flash).

My father's weather station SV2BBO-11, in Eastern Thessaloniki.
Standalone DAVIS Vantage Pro2 Plus (with Fan Aspirated Radiation) WX station, without PC.
Transmit with Alinco DX-77 and MFJ-1278B TNC, on HF 10.147Mhz from KN10lo.

Personal Weather station SV2SNY
Thessaloniki, GREECE.
an APRS WX NETwork station
operator Penelope Silignaki
my job
My mobile Amateur Radio Station
My digital photos from the Greek wild nature


Co-ordinates: 40°37.93'N - 22°57.07'E , elevation 20m. [Location map]

Weather Data provided by HUGER WMR 918H wireless weather instrument. WEB cam image generated by AXIS 2100 Network Camera (with built in WEB Server). Packet data from TNC2 (terminal node controller), transmited to APRS WX NETwork , on 144.800Mhz at 1200Bauds every 10 minutes, with Yaesu FT-470 V/U transceiver. Packet data from TNC2H transmited on 438.100Mhz at 9600Bauds with Kenwood TM-V7 V/U transceiver. Packet data from SoundCard-Radio interface, transmited on 14.105Mhz at 300Bauds with Alinco DX-77 HF transceiver  every 10 minutes also. Weather Reporting Software is "Weather Display". APRSWXNET software for transmiting data, is UI-View32 with AGW Packet Engine. Weather Conditions and Web cam are updated here every 10 minutes.

English Weather in brief Greek

Atmospheric Phenomena:
20 Jul 2002, 14:50pm
Vavdos, Halkidiki
Co-ordinates: 40°25.92'N - 23°19.34'E
elevation 760m.
view: 275°

Egnatia str. KAMARA place, now!

Wind direction for last 6 minutes:


SV2BBO - Yanis Syllignakis: Weather Data downtown of Thessaloniki, GREECE
LAST READING AT TIME: 05:50 DATE: 24 January 2025
Current WeatherNight time/Dry Current Temperature 11.3°C (52.3°F), Apparent temp 10.4°C
Maximum Temperature (since midnight)11.9°C at: 00:40 Minimum Temperature (since midnight)10.7°C at: 03:05
Average windspeed (ten minute)0.0 kmh (0.0 kts) Wind Direction (ten minute)N (360°)
Windchill Temperature 11.3°C Maximum Gust (last hour)201.7 kmh (109.0 kts) at: 04:44
Maximum Gust (since midnight)201.7 kmh (109.0 kts) at: 03:52 Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight)0.0 kmh (0.0 kts) at: 00:00
Rainfall (last hour)0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight)0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---
Rainfall This month 0.0 mm (0.00 in.) Rainfall To date this year 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)0.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)0.0 mm/hour
Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm DewPoint 1.8°C (Wet Bulb :7.2°C )
Humidity 52 %, Humidex 9.6°C Barometer corrected to msl1021 mb
Pressure change -1 mb (last hour) Trend (last hour)STEADY
Pressure change (last 12 hours)-1 mb Pressure change (last 6 hours)-2 mb

Click here for the last 24 hour graph
Click here for the last 48 hour graph
Click here for the last 72 hour graph
Click here for the month to date graph

Weather report/warning/Metars

Thessaloniki Airport , Greece (LGTS) 40-31N 022-58E 4M
Jan 23, 2025 - 10:20 PM EST / 2025.01.24 0320 UTC
Wind: Variable at 3 MPH (3 KT):0
Visibility: 4 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: mostly cloudy
Temperature: 44 F (7 C)
Dew Point: 44 F (7 C)
Relative Humidity: 100%
Pressure (altimeter): 30.09 in. Hg (1019 hPa)
ob: LGTS 240320Z VRB03KT 7000 FEW008 BKN020 07/07 Q1019 NOSIG
cycle: 3

The data is logged at two minute intervals, but there is data recorded every minute. Best viewed in 800 x 600 and True colour. On the graph, the Blue line represents the average windspeed, the Red line is the maximum gust for that interval, and the Green line is what the wind has dropped off to in the same interval. Fuschsa is the Barometer, and the dew point and Blue is humidity.

Use the RELOAD facility on your browser to retrieve the latest data.

Click here for a daily update of the averages/extremes to date for the month
Every one our daily history
Live weather data from APRS WX NETwork
SV2BBO Amateur Radio Station

Files for WEB authoring:

Created by "Weather Display" software version 10.37S151 at this start time/date 4:49:33 24/1/2025
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Copyright © Yanis Syllignakis
